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2022 Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference
September 8, 2022 - September 10, 2022
Call for Proposals
The Conference Committee for AARC invites members, colleagues, students, and other assessment and research specialists to submit proposals. We welcome all proposals that advance the counseling profession and promote best practices in assessment, research, and evaluation in counseling.
Submit your proposals for a poster, round table, or content session using this submission portal: https://umsl.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00y97i2XLU2Mpoi
The submission due date is Tuesday, May 31 by midnight CST.
Proposals details to be included:
- Presenter and co-presenter(s) Name, Email, Affiliation, Job Title, Degree, Credentials, and Brief Bio
- Desired Presentation Format
- Program Title
- Program Abstract (75-Word Maximum)
- 3 Learning Outcomes
- Synopsis of Program (250-Word Maximum) that details purpose, goals, content, and justification of how your presentation is innovative.
Register for the Conference
Register for this year’s conference (9/8-9/10 in Saint Louis, Missouri) at the following link: