Members of AARC share a passion and commitment to the advancement of measurement and evaluation in all settings.
Benefits of Membership
A subscription to Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, the division’s quarterly journal that publishes research as well as practical and innovative articles of relevance to assessment specialists. Regular features include “Methods Plainly Speaking” in which technical methods for the study of assessment instruments are explained, and reviews and evaluations of new or revised tests and other assessment instruments are featured.
A subscription to Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, the division’s biannual journal that provides counselor educators, researchers, and other mental health practitioners (including psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and addiction counselors) with outcome research and program evaluation practices for work with individuals across the lifespan. It presents topics such as: treatment efficacy, clinical diagnosis, program evaluation, research design, and outcome measure reviews.
A subscription to the division newsletter NewsNotes. NewsNotes is published quarterly and provides state, regional, national, and international news and information, legislative updates, and special articles of interest to assessment specialists.
Updated Online Access for AARC Journals:
Since moving to our new publisher, we have been transitioning on how members get online access to MECD and CORE. To get access, you will do the following:
- Click “Login” in the upper corner of this website
- Once logged in, you should be in the Member Dashboard
- Click the link for the MECD and one for CORE (you will be redirected to Taylor and Francis for access)
Discounts on Professional Liability Insurance. AARC, through its affiliation with the National Professional Group is able to extend to its members professional liability insurance coverage at very attractive rates.
Opportunities to interact with leaders in assessment, measurement, and evaluation through state associations, national conferences, and committee activities.
Opportunities to develop your leadership skills by becoming an AARC committee member or officer.
Opportunities for your work to be recognized through the AARC Awards program.
How to Join
If you are joining both ACA and AARC for the first-time, please click the join now button below and follow instructions to create/manage your profile or call ACA’s Member Services Center at 800.298.2276 for assistance.
If you wish to add AARC to your existing ACA membership or to join AARC only, please call ACA’s Member Services Center at 800.298.2276, M–F, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., EST.
International members who wish to join ACA and AARC or join AARC only, please use this secure link to submit a payment. Then send an email to [email protected] with your name, email and mailing address. ACA will process your membership request and contact you with additional information to access member benefits.
AARC Brochure
Take a look at the latest brochure from Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling. Our brochure also has a print version of membership application form.