
The following represent the current standing committees in AARC. If you are interested in joining one of these committees please contact the chair of that committee listed below. New members are always welcome.

Standing Committees

Assessment Committee

Chair: Jennifer Deaton

Description: Promotes training and best practices in counseling assessment in accordance with the AARC mission.

Bylaws and Ethics

Chair: Elizabeth Prosek

Description: Oversees the adherence and revision of the by-laws, as well as ethical concerns and considerations related to the practice of counseling, assessment, evaluation, diagnosis, and research.

Conference Committee

2024 Co-Chairs: Matthew Nice and Rachel Jacoby

2025 Co-Chairs: Bradley McKibben and Sandra Logan-McKibben

Description: Organizes and plans the national assessment conference for AARC.

Nominations and Elections Committee

Chair: Madeline Clark

Description: Oversees the nomination and election of AARC members to leadership positions including placements on the Executive Council. The committee is composed of the previous three AARC past-Presidents.


Past-Presidents Advisory Council

Chair: Donna Gibson

Description: Consortium of Association past-presidents that provides informed perspectives about present activities and initiatives to the current Executive Council.

Public Policy and Advocacy Committee

Chair: Matthew Nice

Description: Supports efforts to advocate for public policies and legislation that advance the ethical use of assessment, research, and evaluation by counselors.

Research Committee

Chair: Nathanial Ivers

Description: Promotes training and best practices in counseling research in accordance with the AARC mission.

Specialty Standards and Statements

Chair: Clark Ausloos

Description: Collaborates with ACA divisions to provide, advise, and facilitate the formation of standards and statements related to the interests, mission, and purpose of AARC.

Supported Scholarship Programs

Co-Chairs: George Richardson and June Hyun

Responsible for providing oversight of the submission and selection of the sponsored research grants.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice

Chair: Jyotsana Sharma

Description: Responsible for providing oversight of issues of diversity related to the purpose of AARC as indicated in the AARC by-laws.

Emerging Leader Program Co-chairs

Co-Chairs: Charmayne Adams and Kelly Emelianchik-Key

Coordinates developmental and mentoring experiences for graduate students and new professionals who are interested in professional development and growth through AARC.

Communications and Marketing Committee

Chair: Lindsay Lundeen

Description: Facilitate strategic communications and marketing efforts across AARC and between organization committees. Create, create content, manage and maintain AARC social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), as well as maintain organization specific links on the organization’s Linktree. Cross promote AARC publication information from AARC’s journals (Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation & Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development).

Individual Service Appointments

FACT Representative

Representative: Lori Ellison

Description: Supportive liaison for issues involving use of assessment and testing practices in counseling and education.

Web Manager

Web Manager: Alex Fields

Description: Manages and updates information on the AARC website.

Temporary Committee

International Taskforce

Chair: Amanda Giordano

Description: AARC International Taskforce was formed in 2023. The goals of the taskforce are to grow AARC international members and increase international representation in AARC