The following statements and guidelines have been compiled to assist educators, researchers, and practitioners in the area of measurement and assessment. Feel free to download any of the materials for personal or instructional use.
AARC (formerly AACE)-Sponsored Assessment Standards and Statements
- American Counseling Association (ACA) Position Statement on High Stakes Testing
- Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education
- Pre-Employment Testing and the ADA
- Responsibilities of Users of Standardized Tests (RUST)
- Rights and Responsibilities of Test Takers Guidelines and Expectations
- Standards for Qualifications of Test Users
- Assessment Database (organized by the AARC Assessment Committee)
- Fair Access to Tests
- Can Licensed Mental Health Counselors Administer and Interpret Psychological Tests?
Standards and Statements
- AACE Standards for Multicultural Assessment (2012)
- AACE-AMHCA Standards for Assessment in Mental Health Counseling
- AACE-IAAOC Standards for Assessment in Substance Abuse
- AACE-IAMFC Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling Assessment Competencies
- AACE-NCDA Career Counselor Assessment and Evaluation Competencies
- ACE Standards for Multicultural Assessments (2003)
- AARC Standards for Multicultural Assessments (2018)
- AARC Standards for Research in Group Work (2021)
- AARC Standards for Assessment in Group Work (2021)